Houston, Part III

On my way to the club. That’s a big deal because it means I’m no longer dying.

The flu beat my black ass up somethin vicious, but I’m just about back. It took a good hour in the sauna at Bally’s yesterday to make the sinus pressure go away, but now I can sit up straight without being on the verge of tears. That’s a victory whose magnitude I’m unqualified to verbalize.
But in my newfound state of lucidity, I went to Borders and checked out this month’s Essence. Should you do the same, be sure to go to page 100. Once there, you’ll find a profile of my sister, Tayari Jones, and a sneak peek of her new novel, The Untelling. Check it in Essence, then pick it up from your local retailer when it drops in April. I saw her do a reading at a school in Raleigh a couple of weeks ago, and it looks like a reader (and no, that’s not familial bias talking).
And now, to the club I go. Here’s hoping there’s a patdown at the door. And if there’s not, here’s hoping those Kevlar vitamins I’ve been taking work.
Column this week’s on Michael Jackson, so be on the lookout for a post on Friday. I’ll be flying that day, so I’m not sure when it’ll go up. If I can’t update it myself, I’ll have Luther or someone else put it up into cyberspace.
Tomorrow will be spent doing what every American should be doing tomorrow–watching the Tournament. I did my bracket yesterday, and I actually have Carolina going all the way. Don’t blow it, Roy.
Should i worry about the steroid hearing? My general assumption is that Congress is bullshittin, so I don’t need explicit proof of that implicit reality to pique my interest. Instead of worrying about kids juicing, I spend time worrying about kids that can’t afford juice. And by juice, I mean the fluid that comes from fruit. You know, the nutritious kind.
Per usual, thanks for reading. Back atcha with the real stuff ASAP.

2 thoughts on “Houston, Part III”

  1. Sup Bomani. Glad you’re feeling better. I understand the need for safety in the clubs, but I never look forward to those ‘patdowns’…lol. I just try to find new spots to hang out in that don’t require all that foolishness.
    As far as the steroid inquiries in major league baseball, I’m not sure why the government/Congress, with all the other ‘real’ problems in our society has time to worry about athletes.

  2. I don’t remember who said it, but some Congressman (Sen. McCain maybe?) made a comment about how this is what MLB has to deal with in exchange for their anti-trust advantage. In a way, that’s right. Fans of MLB seem to really care about whether or not players are juicing, and if they are, and MLB ain’t handling it, then who else is supposed to step up? We all know fans can’t do a damn thing (strike anyone?), because even though they have power as a whole, each individual ain’t squat. I’m not a big fan of government intervention, but if that’s what has to happen, so be it.
    And fact is, if this is all just smoke and mirrors (which it may very well be), then so what? If a Senator views this as his/her ticket to re-election, isn’t that better than if they get re-elected by paying lip service to issues like poverty, corruption, and crime and then ignore it immediately after the election results come in?
    Sometimes the threat of action is more important than the reality of acting, and if the threat is enough to at least reduce steroid use, then maybe it’s worth it if it means ESPN runs a few less stories about Barry Bonds’ hat size.

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