Twitter's down…therefore, so am I

Twitter’s down right now. It was telling that a friend of mine, rather than asking if Twitter was down, asked if I was OK because I hadn’t sent a tweet in 20 minutes. That, ladies and gentlemen, has become my life.
I use Twitter for a lot of thing. Searching Twitter is a better way to find breaking news than Google News at this point. It’s also a great, great way to see what kind of stuff people are randomly talking about. It’s also how I podcast my show (oh yeah, the podcast link isn’t up on the page here, but you can search for #bomani_podcasts and get the best of each day’s show). It’s become part of my routine.
And when it’s down, like right now, I sincerely don’t know what’s going on.
I have no idea when this happened. I went from refusing to get on Twitter to becoming a Twitter “polluter.” Or, put another way — since Twitter’s down, I’ve got time to blog. Sounds like it’s time to look in the mirror.
Anyone else having this problem right now? Anyone else without Twitter and a wee bit ashamed to admit it’s a serious inconvenience? I hate when my phone rings for real — not a big phone fan these days, for some reason — but I miss being notified of a reply.
Why is it like this? Because we, as adults, work and go home. Then we wake up, go to work, then come home. At least a lot of us do. Twitter is the world’s largest barbershop. It’s fun for that reason. And when it’s gone, it makes you kinda realize how much fun human interaction is, and how hard it can be to come by as a grownup.
Or maybe that’s just me. Either way, can somebody get on their grind and get this shit back up, please? I got work not to do.

2 thoughts on “Twitter's down…therefore, so am I”

  1. You are not the only one. I was hesitant to enter the world of twitter but now I have 50 million columns lined up in my tweetdeck so I can follow all of the different conversations out there. I also hate my phone for whatever reason. It is really interesting how much you can squeeze into a 160 character space.
    I am listening to a conversation on the Packman’s show concerning Jon Beason and my first response was what are people on Twitter saying about it.

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