Business…here’s why Tampa ain’t the heat for the tournament.
So I’m in front of my hotel right now.  Why?  Because we were told to evacuate the friggin building.  I’m wondering if someone pulled a dorm room move and just pulled the fire alarm.  Clearly, they don’t realize I’ve got work to do, and I left my notebook upstairs, meaning I can’t finish the piece I need to file for tomorrow.  Clearly, I’m not thrilled.
Anyway, the tournament has been fantastic.  Lots of great games, lots of great stories, and lots of free food.  Can’t beat that with a bat.

5 thoughts on “FIRE DRILL!!!”

  1. Hey B,
    I saw you on TV!
    Dang, I had the opportunity to go down there and photograph the games but couldn’t take the time off. Oh well, I had my fill last year. Hope the media gift was spiffy this year.
    Since you’re gone I think I will crank up the bass 🙂

  2. I’ve been to Tampa. Pretty place, but not a place for college sports of ANY kind. Coaches need to stop worrying about what’s “fair” and focus on what makes the most financial sense for the league.

  3. “Greensboro is the ACC.”
    Best quote ever. Couldn’t agree with your article more. Also saw you on TV, eating an ice cream sandwich it looked like. Here’s an interesting tournament stat (for a Tar Heel, at least):
    UNC average margin of victory: 15
    All other ACC tournament games: 6.3
    And that’s including a 19-point blowout by Virginia Tech over WF. UNC’s dominating again! I’m so pumped!!!

  4. Even though I have no idea what’s going in the tournament. I’m loving it… seeing as how I work in the ESPN zone! But for some reason I wanna say go Tar Heels. I think they won today.
    And the fire drill… WOW! That took me back about 6 years to Bumstead Hall’s 3am fire drills.

  5. hey Bo,
    yes, I think everyone saw you eating on TV. Clearly a testiment to your love of good food.
    enjoy yourself. Look forward to seeing you eating something during the championship game!
    *Rah Heels*

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