Ban Pretty Ricky!

On the heels of the last post, check this. Not for work, but you gotta see this.
(In other words, look at it at work, but be careful…then promptly send it to all your co-workers.)
If this generation is molding the game my daughters are going to have spit to ’em, I’ll be fighting lil’ suckers every damn day.
And if my sons did this?  They’d wake up with the classifieds on their faces and a highlighter on the night stand.  Not in my house, Jack.

37 thoughts on “Ban Pretty Ricky!”

  1. Can we blame this on the music? I’m 100% certain they didn’t see their parents doing this…especially not LIKE THIS. A homegirl of mine was unfortunate enough to go to a pretty ricky concert…she said they were doing this on stage the whole time and the little girls in the crowd were LOVING it…
    Blame it on the music I say. Where is Delores Tucker when we need her?

  2. This is really gonna make it difficult to convince my boyfriend that guns won’t be necessary when the future children (girls) start dating. He’s a walking NRA endorsement! Damn that Pretty Ricky!

  3. After reading the comments that other females left about the song, it’s really hard to say whether we can just blame it on the music. What in the world makes young girls respond to this TRASH? Not only will I have to fight off the knuckleheads that talk like this, but any daughter of mine that even THINKS about listening to something like this will probably be on lockdown until graduation…

  4. I literally spit food outta my mouth. The funniest thing was at the end when each of ’em came into the foreground frame duck-walking one after another…
    Hmmm, what was a worse idea? The “shoot my friends with a gun to get out of fraternity hazing” idea, or this?
    I’m sure they’re a laughing stock now. Viva La Internet.

  5. ETS… funny. You know, I remember watching the original airing of the Soul Train episode where Rebbie sang this song. Unfortunately I also remember seeing the episode with LaToya singing, “If you feel the funk, shake your rump (shake your rump to the funk, yeah).”

  6. Before this, the original version of David Banner’s Play was the Dirtiest Song Ever in my mind.
    Banner came off as far more respectful of women than Pretty Ricky – despite some of the later verses.

  7. Rex … people sleep on Rebbie. Supposedly, she’s the most stable person in that family right now … which might be saying much.
    Atrayus … It is definitely a chicken or the egg situation. Do young people behave like this because that is what’s being presented to them or is the industry presenting them with what they want. I think the truth is that we’ll never know for sure until the market allows alternative artists a fair shot at competing.
    Jaypee … the definitely practiced this. The original YouTube link shows their myspace page. Their a “group” that goes to Tuskeegee University that “performs” like this at parties. *shaking my head*

  8. What makes this even funnier? You know these jokers practiced this shi!t, so this isn’t the first time they’ve done this. Makes the whole thing even gayer…..
    And can you imagine sitting around and deciding on who gets what nickname? I think it when like this:
    “I want X2C!!”
    “I want Daddy Longstroke!”
    “Dude, Daddy Longstroke is so not cool!”
    “Okay, how about Relentless?”
    Plus, why is the first knucklehead walking into the shot doing curls? Yeah, that’s sexy!

  9. Um…why in the hell dudes is bellydancin’ nowadays? First it was Cam’Ron with that pink shit, now this? I guess dudes gonna start wearing low-rise jea..wait a minute…they doin’ that shit already. My poor younger generation!!!!
    Hell its’ official, Hip-Hop ain’t dead, but R&B is damn shole decomposing and worm food. How in the hell a group named “Pretty Ricky” ain’t even nowhere near what the name suggests…

  10. Oh hell nawl…Baba..i just seent that link you had in the topper.
    All I gotta say is…why them lil’ boys gang-raping a beanbag chair man? This is utterly sad and utterly simpish–and a definite G-Code violation or needing to be one IMO. Hell the lack of judgment in this is just legendary. I need to clear the history of this computer . I feel ashamed to say I watched 10 seconds of that. 10 seconds too damned many.
    I promise on my father’s grave that if any my brother tells me of some lil’ dude tryin to pull some shit with my niece, I’m driving to Miami so I can personally assist in that beatdown with my brother.
    Also, if any of my nephews even think this is cool…well, be looking on the Street Beat on the Channel 9 News and it’ll say that day “Fred Batiste is charged with assaulting his (insert teens age here) nephew after catching him dancing like some sweet boys imitating Pretty Ricky.”
    When asked about the assault, Batiste said, “You damned right I kicked his a**, and I’ll do it again gladly if I even hear of him doing it again.”

  11. Left Coast Vic

    Between this and that Akon video, I dont know whats worse. We are breeding a generation of knucleheaded boys and girls that think this shit is coo.
    My parents were never music Nazis with me, but at this rate I might have to be the censor at my house.
    Question: Can these youths be saved? I mean, what if we “Drop Squad”-ed these cats and locked them in a room with nothing but Issac Hayes, Barry White, and Marvin Gaye cds? Of course, the beginning of this process is banishing Pretty Ricky to the Canary Islands with no mode of communication.

  12. Sometimes we must bear the brunt of cheap technology, raging hormones, and bad taste. Those cats ran a train on an inanimate object. There must some psychiatric disorder that ends in -philia to describe this.

  13. Tommie Foster

    911 operator transcript:
    operator: “911, what’s your emergency?”
    confused home owner: “Hello, I think my ottoman was gangraped! There’s a lot of semen stains on it, and I received a video in my email showing 4 black dudes humping it like lemurs! Can you send a CSI unit to test this, or at least a Stanley Steamer to clean it up?”
    operator: “Um….can you even “rape” an ottoman? And, what’s an ottoman?”

  14. First, the amount of black-on-furniture homoeroticism is mind-numbing.
    Second, if you have daughters, and God-willing I will, there are only two words that fitting for what we have coming…
    Desert Eagle
    Stay up Bo Jones!

  15. These kids are gumps. I remember the type: they used to have S Curls and wear leather pants and open shirts.
    Humpin furniture, though? And grindin in a room full of other dudes… then RECORDING it? What part of the game is that?
    Also, the desert eagle isn’t even necessary. If you instill some sense and high standards in your daughters, they would never even consider talking to these losers. And I don’t think I even have to tell you that if you raise a boy properly, he would never engage in such foolishness.
    This goes beyond normal youthful stupidity. There is something really wrong with them.
    And someone mentioned that they do this at parties? How? They would be clowned or tossed out of any party I’ve ever been to. And gay guys wouldn’t want to see this either.

  16. this reminds me of those old documenatry videos where twenty men are in parades in india with meathooks stuck in their nipples carrying a statue of an elephant from the wires attached to the meathooks. and the serious dude with the oxbridge accent talks about the ancient ritual. and youre like, it doesn’t matter how important they say this is, it’s male titty fishing.
    it’s days like this i’m glad i live in the kind of neighborhood these knuckleheads irrationally fear ‘racist’ cops.
    where’s my german shepherd?

  17. omg…look i am a high school student and i think that if you are a parent or legal guardian that it is your responsibility to make sure that your child…pre-teen…teenager…young adult…etc. is taking care of the things they should be,but realistically,i know you can’t watch your child every second….so understand that when your child is old enough to make the right decisions they will…or they will do what they feel…but life is a learning process and if you expect that your child is likley to be sex free in our society today then you seriously need a mental brake down on whats going on…besides most people lose their virginities or have sex as teenagers anyway(thats why along time ago people got married real young)…but if your child is like nine or ten doing nasty stuff then…thats yo fault”what the hell are you doing instead of wathin yo baby”…….p.s tell yo kids to take they azzez to school…everybody needs college(message) (lol)…

  18. p.s pretty ricky is trying to make a livin like any other person quit hatin( even if that means your kids are listening), monitor what the hell your kids are listening to. and anyways…if your kid are doing what everyone else is (big problem with kids today) then they are idiots…give them some act right…my mom still does it(lol)….can’t be worse than someone telling yo kids in rap music “slap them hoes…juice them hoes..shoot that N****” be happy it’s pretty ricky it could be worse(lol)

  19. on top of them singing about their overly worked hormones they have been known to be abusers and also make babies without taking care of them. Pleasure P was known to supposedly have a baby from author Miah Gamati and has been keeping it a secret to the public. Slickem has been reported to have at least 10 kids!!! wow. Spectacular has a son that he barely sees. And Baby Blu has been known to make women have abortions. Not only are they overlysexed but they’re also not strapping it up. this is the generation that are kids are in.

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