So I just got one of those e-mails talking about how “picnic” is derived from an old Caucasoid leisure activity, going out and picking niggers to lynch.
So how long are people gonna be stupid enough to believe that one?

I went to the dictionary. Contrary to the rather terse note I sent the folks that sent me that e-mail, picnic isn’t a Native American word. Instead, it’s derived from the French word “pique-nique,” which has the same meaning as the English adaptation. It’s not about pickin’ niggers. It’s just not.
But why do black folks send this shit out, wear t-shirts saying the same thing, etc? Huh?
There are a zillion things that most of us could chose to be mad at The Man about. Why do we manufacture them? Why go out of your way to look for something that’s so inconsequential in the grand scheme?
This continues to bother me. Gotta be bigger things to get riled up over than this.
I’m tired and cranky. Happy Friggin’ Halloween.