Sundress Month: Everybody Wins

So get this…
Saturday, I was at the store, loading up on provisions, when I saw a couple of women in sundresses. I won’t go too deep into that story, but it dawned on me — there’s nothing I’d rather see a woman wear than a sundress. Sounds simple, but it also sound sexy.
Guess what? I’m not alone. After I sent a tweet out saying I owe a lifetime of drinks to the sundress’ inventor. In response, I got an endless stream of sundress appreciation. Most of it came from dudes, but plenty came from women who saw the same thing we saw — nothing says “sexy” like comfortable and carefree.
I like those things. So in conjunction with cats like DragonflyJonez, we’ve made June Sundress Month. It works simply — during June, wear your sundress. Make your Facebook picture one of you in a sundress. Twitter avatar, too, if you dig it.
While the gentlemen are certainly being selfish here — we just like how you look in them — we’re also sending a clear message. We prefer classy and confident to what’s in the videos. Let’s show that you can get the maximum impact through decency. Let’s celebrate summer.
Let’s enjoy Sundress Month. Here’s our manifesto for the month, straight from my lil radio show, The Morning Jones.
Spread the word. Post that on your blog, your profile, whatever. Because, during Sundress Month, everybody wins.

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