Just saw an e-mail from the Ticketmaster listserv, and it seems that Lenny Williams will be coming to Fayetteville, NC in May. That begs the question…does Lenny have two songs?

Lenny will forever be known for “Because I Love You,” which I consider to be the greatest love song ever made. He’s begging that borders on suckerosity, but at least he stops short of putting his hand on the hood of her car to see if she’d gone out that night. But there has never been a more poignant, emotionally honest look at the anguish of having your (wo)man quit you. He never lashes out, and he actually admits that she’s got him. There’s something to respect about that. And, amazingly, he manages to never overthink the situation. That means only one thing–he really fucked up bad. When a cat gets dropped and never once wonders what happened, he did something for real. ‘Tis amazing what can be gleaned from the unsaid.
(Speaking of that song, it was the lead track on the Glutton for Punishment list on Valentine’s Day. When I get this radio blog thing going, I’m going to put all those lists up for your pleasure and/or pain.)
But before and/or after Lenny does his masterpiece, what else is he going to sing? Is there a remix called “Still Love You” with Common and Teddy Pendergrass?
This brings about an interesting question. There are a host of one-hit wonders out there. Has there ever been a one-hit wonder that did one song so well that you would be willing to pay for a concert ticket to hear only one song? Would you drop a dub for one track?
I’m a little too young to go see Lenny live; I felt like a toddler when I saw After 7 live last summer–that’s a hysterical story I’ll have to tell on here one day–and they’ve had decent records since I’ve had a driver’s license. Lenny ain’t been on the radio since Wilt Chamberlain played for the Lakers. To put that in perspective, Wilt’s been dead for about six years, and he wasn’t a young man when he passed.
And a corollary question–if there’s no one-hit wonder you’d pay to see in concert, what song do you think is dope enough to be worth the price of a ticket?
So what’s up?