Oh yeah, you knew this was coming.  And since I’m having a pretty dreadful morning, I need to use the lunacy of others to make me smile.  If you feel the same, then MAIL CALL!!! is for you.
Today’s MAIL CALL!!! is in response to this ditty on Tony Dungy and Lovie Smith.  Check it out if you get the chance.
(Before we get to the MAIL CALL!!!, I urge you to check out the last couple of e-mails, if nothing else.  Trust me, it’s worth it.)
Where to start…let’s start with a misunderstanding.  Check this one from David.

I started reading this column with the feeling that I’d disagree with your ideas.  I was wrong.
Not that I agreed with them all, but they were all reasonable and defendable positions.  I especially liked your reference to Rhodes, Dungy, Green and Edwards as “retreads.”  That, indeed, is a sign of achieving equality.
Too bad NFL teams don’t show the same care when hiring white head coaches.
I don’t know if you meant to imply that Jackie Robinson shouldn’t be regarded as a hero.  You probably didn’t, but that’s the way it seemed to come out.  If a hero is one who overcomes immense adversity, I think Robinson qualifies.  Perhaps not to the same degree, but I think Branch Rickey must deserve some praise as well.  There should be some credit for the man who provided the opportunity without being forced to, as well as for the man who was capable of making the most of it.

In no way did I mean to imply that Jackie Robinson is not a hero.  However, he is not a hero for being the first black man in baseball.  He is heroic for being able to withstand the abuse that came with that.  But being the first guy to get the call didn’t make him any better baseball player than he would have been had he played in the Negro Leagues his whole life.
This is from Antoine.

…coaching in the Superbowl should’nt be cause for adulation, then what bigger stage can the positive reinforcement of African-American capabilities within the scope of this arena be….?
-Signed; A Brotha hearing you, but respectfully not feeling you.

I don’t think there’s anything too bad about black people celebrating this in the name of shared struggle.  Those who’ve felt the boot of racism surely feel good when good things happen to those who have suffered the same.  It is the NFL that I do not think should be patted on the back for this, and I still don’t see how successful black coaches really equals progress.
But Antoine and I e-mailed on that one and got it straight.
Let’s hear what Corey had to say.

Forgive me, if I don’t celebrate this “historic” Super Bowl with you. I’m an Irish American, or white, if you prefer, and I gotta tell you, it’s pretty rediculous for you and your colleagues to be praising this event so much. There’s always talk about not enough black coaches. What about the players?
Have you ever noticed the ratio of black players to white players? What is it, like 10 to 1? But yet, blacks are only 13% of the population. You don’t hear white people complaining about that do you?
The bottom line is, blacks do not want equality anymore, you want it all. It’s too bad there aren’t more people like me who see it for what it is, and are so damn sick of hearing about it.

We’ll let Corey slide for obviously not reading closely.  But I must say I get tired of people telling me about the things that white people don’t complain about…while they complain about something black people say.  I do think it’s a shame white dudes are dissuaded from playing tailback and corner.  But until white people are encouraged not to do something because of a prevalent notion of intellectual inferiority, keep that bullshit outta my ear.
Paul, c’mon down…

What’s your point?
Need I remind you that the coach for the worst team in the NFL this year was black.
Race has nothing to do with it so stop making an issue about it.  You either can coach or you can’t, point blank

Yeah, but how do you find out if you can or can’t coach if you can’t get a job?
Kay, step up to the mic.

What a negative way of looking at a positive event.
You sound like a person who simply can’t be pleased.
I’m glad you’re not someone I know personally! 

I cried all night after reading this one.
Here’s Eric.

I normally look forward to reading articles about the big games , not this year . Every single black writer on ESPN has decided to write about the black coaches in the super bowl (suprise, suprise), one word comes to mind , pathetic .
The whining , sensitivity and racist lines throughout your article should be appaling to any competent white person on the planet . It’s really not a huge deal and we as the majority are tired of hearing about it every 2 seconds . Why don’t you right a factual article for once instead of a biased commentary ? Maybe a look into the Duke lacrosse case ? A case in which 3 white individuals of a very prestigious universities lifes are now essentially ruined thanks to a scandalous black stripper . Racism goes both ways and more often against whites these days , it’s not a theory , it’s a fact . I don’t see white columnists bragging that whites have sent a total of 158 out of 160 quarterbacks and coaches to the super bowl before this year . If they did that would be racist right ? But just keep writing your articles on race and keep the fire burning so we keep drifitng farther away from a utopian society in which everyone is equal and people can look beyond race .


How do you write the sentence, “that’s a damn shame?”  I promise you that if a G.M. of a professional football team felt that a black coach was more qualified than a white coach he would hire them.  It is not the fault of the N.F.L. if there are not an equal amount of highly qualified black coaches.  It shouldn’t be an issue at all.  If there are 30 black head coaches that owners and G.M.’s feel are better for the job they should all be hired.  Same goes if there are 30 white head coaches that they feel are better for the job.  It’s not a racist thing at all.  If a white coach does a better job, then it should be his job.  If a black coach does a better job, then the job should be his.  It really gets old hearing about how, perhaps less qualified people are being interviewed for jobs just because there needs to be more diversity in the NFL.  I would like to know what your opinion is on that. 

He might be right.  Maybe people really do just hire according to who they think is better for a given job.  So, who wants to talk about how those conclusions are reached?  We’d be here for days.
Here’s Ben, who’s not to be confused with former Red Stripe Reader of the Month Ben.

I have always read your articles, but the time has come to boycott your writing. A BLACK COACH WILL BE VICTORIUOS IN LESS THAN 2 WEEKS.
That’s great news, for everyone! But hey, you dont care- far too many coaches arent black. Thats my fault. Im white, not rich enough to employ a black nfl coach, and oh yeah- I’m white. So I’m the problem, right?
You have a fight between timing and history that is no fault of your fellow man, yet you hold that fellow responsible? I WANT EQUALITY AS BAD AS YOU DO!  Why must you incite such hatred towards those that can’t change history any faster than you?

I don’t get why people take analyses of macro-level phenomena so personally.
Say hi to Mike.

As long as there are writers like you who continue to crybaby about the condition of the Black community, we will never be able to put the inequities of the past behind us.  Why can’t you celebrate Lovie and Tony and their marvelous accomplishments instead of downplaying them by whining about the past?  You should be ashamed and embarrassed by this ridiculous column and be thankful that most people don’t even consider their color any more, just the race-baiters and opportunists like you and Bob Herbert.  Get a grip.

I told Mike it was high praise to put my name in the same sentence as Bob Herbert’s.  He didn’t reply.
This is Randy.

IMO, people like yourself who demand Affirmative Action and racial quotas are just as racist as any member of the KKK.  All you people see is color, you want everything to be about color.  What liberals like yourself are saying is Discrimination is okay, as long as it is done on our terms.   All you are doing is advocating the same discrimination that you supposedly find so offensive.  Race should not have any part in any hiring.   General Managers and Owners should hire whoever they want to hire.  It’s their responsibility and if the person turns out to be a failure, the owners and general managers can only blame themselves.  All you people see when you look at Lovie and Tony are two black head coaches.  I see two head coaches.  Their race has nothing to do with what they have accomplished as coaches.  You people need to get a life and stop promulgating a left wing racist agenda. 

I got $20 for anyone that can find me advocating quotas.
John provides me a moment to educate.

You want to complain about the hiring, than go buy a fuckin’ team and hire who you want.  Last time I checked, a private employer is free to hire who you want.  For some reason, black colleges, college funds that only are available to minorities, admissions into universities and employment with lesser qualifications, etc…. are o.k.  So, what you are saying it is o.k. to discriminate if you are a minority, but not a majority.  You obviously lack education, and are as ignorant as the statement!!!! 

He’s never read my bio, apparently.  Let’s talk to Dory.

Can you not help but bellyache? Lord have mercy!  How do you manage to find the cloud among the silver lining in everything.  Now, you’ve probably jumped to some conclusions about me already, but just so you know, i’m neither white, male, nor corporate.  I am a black woman, an immigrant from Jamaica and I have hardest time relating to the bellyaching that “African-Americans” like to do all the time.  Nobody said that Tony Dungy or Lovie Smith should, or do feel anymore thankful than anyone else that they’re coaching in the Big Show.  And why shouldn’t they feel honored to be the first black coaches in the SuperBowl?   Anyone fortunate enough to be a coach in the SuperBowl should and I’m sure does feel both honored and thankful for the blessed lives they have.  There’s no need to make rash generalizations to bolster your weak point of view.  Besides it’s ridiculous and insulting to the civil rights pioneers of the past and the ordinary people, black, white and otherwise, including Dan Rooney, who stuck their necks out and worked their asses off to make such a milestone possible, to say that there’s “nothing worth celebrating about a league that forces” diversity and opportunity in hiring for it’s most prestigious leadership positions.  Have you never rooted for a team just because they had a black quarterback or a black coach?  I have!!   While these milestones don’t mean “mission accomplished” on the ending racism front, it does send a signal to people of all creeds, young people especially, that they can reach the highest level of the profession of their choice.  Why couldn’t the context of your article be “hey look at what’s happened, what’s possible now?”, instead of “yeah, but we had to work harder to get there and things are still unacceptable and I’m not thankful for crumbs – and hey try doing your job with a giant chip on your shoulder and a target on your back”……uggghh!   Say something new….something that creates a compelling future…nobody would still be listening to MLK and he wouldn’t be revered as an American hero if all he did was bellyache about what’s not right with America in the absence of an inspiring vision for the future.   Sorry for the mouthful.  I never write these kinds of letters, but I just had to this time.  Peace out- Dory Edwards, Phoenix, AZ

First, it should be noted that she ain’t gotta do shit but stay black and die.  Writing e-mails isn’t among them.  And nope, I’m not happy about the fact that the Rooney Rule is necessary.  I’m not prepared to take racism as a given of life.  I want to see some proof that people are changing without having to be prodded before I start doing the happy dance.
Andrew thinks I’m an idiot.  I know this because he sent me an e-mail entitled “Idiot.”

I love how African Americans want to be equal, yet everytime something good happens, it’s “the first black man this…..the eighth black man this.   Two great coaches made it to the Super Bowl, period.  Quit making a black and white statement.  BTW, the qualifications scenerio or argument goes out the window, with Pittsburgh hiring the 34-year old with no head coaching experience and minimal overall coaching experience.
Explain to me why the amount of arrests and league violations have increased since the African Americans have dominated the NFL? 

Anyone got an answer for that one?  I’m an idiot, you must recall, invalidating my point of view.
Now, I close with a classic from a MAIL CALL!!! legend.  This gentleman’s name is Matt.

I’m raising hell until an all white defense is
starting in the Super Bowl again.  The country’s like
70% white, but NFL defense is like 96% black.  That’s
some bullshit right there, man.  That is
DISPROPORTIONATE.  I’m suing yall.  Alls yall.  It’s a
damn shame white men can’t get linebacker jobs, except
Brian Urlacher and they call him overrated.  When was
the last time we had a good white tailback.  It’s a
sad state of affairs.
Oh wait a minute.  You’re saying only QUALIFIED
athletes should get those jobs?  You’re saying if a
white tailback is better than every black one around
he’ll start in the NFL?  Because I’ve heard a ton of
stories where white tailbacks in college are
encouraged to become tight ends because white BOYS
BOYS BOYS – perpetual state of childhood compared to
the black MAN – aren’t EVER going to be NFL tailbacks.
Forget that, let’s just say only qualified athletes
will earn starting jobs.  Well…wouldn’t that apply to
coaching too?  Wouldn’t a head coach have to be
qualified to get the job?  Oh no?  Doesn’t work like
that?  So the NFL should hire 22 unqualified coaches
because of the color of their skin, hire 6 good
coaches (who are also black).  Then we have room for 2
white BOYS BOYS BOYS.  Yeah, that sounds fair.  It
would make up for the ugly racial history of this
county at least.  Good idea buddy!

I recognized that rambling tone.  So, I went through the archives to see if I’d ever received an e-mail from this gentleman. Whaddyaknow, he sent the single craziest e-mail I’ve ever received from a reader.  That e-mail was in response to a piece I did years ago on Marcus Dixon (btw, please check Wright Thompson’s piece on a kid suffering a similar fate as Dixon).

OJ rewrote history when he not only banged, but cut
the head off a white bitch and a white dude AND GOT
AWAY WITH IT.  Don’t give me that black guy can’t bang
a white girl garbage, because, as I saw it, black guys
can bang and kill white girls and it’s legal now.
I, as a whiteboy, did get my house shot up for banging
a black girl.  Brandon Washington, a black guy from my
area, fired three shots at my bedroom window because
he didn’t like the fact that my white ass was having
relations with a hottie little black princess named
My point:  Quit it.  We’ve ALL been discriminated
against and it’s never right.  Don’t quit bringing up
issues of discrimination and trying to find
sympathizers (I probably misspelled that…).  Don’t
quit asking for people to accept racial equality.  We
should all want those things.
Just quit:
A)  trying to make all whites feel guilty.  Fuck you,
sir for this.  It hurts and we’re sick of it.  We
aren’t like our grandaddy’s, asshole.
and quit
B)  acting like it’s not possible for a white man to
be hurt based on the color of his skin.  Again, sir,
fuck you for your shortsighted bullshit pain
inflicting editorial.
Nothing against you personally, I really enjoyed the
article and you’re probably a good guy, but you are
the straw that has broken my back.  I have a white
friend who still can’t breathe out of one nostril
based on a beating he took at the hands of about 30
black gentlemen.  Why?  Because we were at the wrong
party, flirting with black chicks.  Kill the whiteboys
was the pharse of the moment.  I ran like a bitch
because I was 16 and terrified.  he did too, but they
caught him.  He’s lucky to be alive.  Fortunately some
really cool, really outstanding balck kids risked
their own asses to save him.  Racism is ugly and it
applies even to us evil honkey devil motherfuckers
that spent their teenage years just trying to get
along with everyone.
I’m from North St. Louis county but I live in
whiteyville now (Far west of St. Louis where all the
white people go to feel safe).  My brothers and
sisters in the hood didn’t want me anymore.  They hurt
me until I ran away.  So again, fuck you for your
shortsighted painful bullshit commentary.

And on that note, I bid you a good day.