New piece, music, and Duke

Business…here’s a look back at Eddie Robinson through the lens of the role HBCUs play.
Two thoughts, totally unconnected to one another.
1.  I honestly can’t think of a single time in ’07 I’ve been excited about an album or more than intrigued buy a song on the radio.  I’ve avoided jumping on the “music just ain’t what it used to be” bandwagon, but it’s getting hard to do.  Music has been at the center of my life for a long time.  Now, it’s not, and it’s kinda sad.
2.  The Duke Basketball Report recently decided to say a couple of things about me, which is their right.  I’m not keen on using this site to respond to what people have to say about me–I criticize for a living, so I’ve gotta take it–but I do take umbrage with what was written.  To save you time, I’ll excerpt the part about me.

ESPN also employs Bomani Jones, who could moonlight at the Nation Of Islam blog with statements like this:  “without question, I’d say that Duke is a white supremacist institution.”In fairness to Jones, he goes on to say that every college is a white supremacist institution, including traditionally black colleges.  Al Featherston had some words for Jones as well when Jones called Christian Laettner’s “stomp” “one of the most vile things ever done on a basketball court,” terming it” unforgivable. 

First, it’s worth noting that I watched a bit of the Selection show with Al Featherston, and this never came up.  I don’t hold that against him.  There’s a chance he hadn’t read the piece by then.  Further–and even more likely–he had no idea who the hell I am.  For that, I don’t knock him.  I’m pretty anonymous and don’t complain about it.
As for my statement that Duke is a “white supremacist” institution, I said that on this site a year ago today.  You can find the post here.
That line was taken as a statement of my Duke bias and place as a radical rabblerousing Negro.  Pretty funny stuff to me.  For one, I always laugh at how people limit the definition of white supremacy to include terroristic acts instead of looking at it as a mindstate.  Guess I shouldn’t expect people to look at it on that level.
I can, however, expect people to responsibly extract quotes if that’s the route they’re going to take.  This is what I said.

Without question, I’d say that Duke is a white supremacist institution. It’s hard to imagine such a concentration of rich white people–or rich any people, really–without there being a palpable air of white supremacy. But Duke shouldn’t feel too singled out. I feel the same way about the University of North Carolina, a school that I attended and that also has slave owners and Klan supporters’ names on different buildings on campus. And I’d say that many black colleges suffer from white supremacy, with their curricula frequently more about teaching black people how to do things instead of cultivating their students’ ability to think and create new scholarship.
White supremacy is everywhere, folks, lurking deeper than most people are willing to look. It’s in white people, it’s in black people, it’s in everybody. It’s so insidious and it is an unavoidable characteristic of American life.
And Duke is not immune.

Not quite me pickin’ on poor ol’ Duke, now is it?
As it relates to basketball, I’ve been pretty open about the fact that I don’t like Duke.  It’s fun stuff, really.  That’s what sports are, the way I see it–fun stuff.  That said, I think I’ve always been pretty fair to the team and its players.  You can read what I have to say about the team and see that I don’t bag on them when it’s not warranted.  I give them props when they’re earned.  I treat them no differently than I treat Carolina or any other school.  I think my archive page backs up that assertion.
So let’s be real about things, shall we?
Oh, and I sure as hell think Christian Laettner putting his foot on someone was unforgivable.  If you grew up in my house, you would feel the same way.  To me, that’s about as disrespectful as spitting on someone, and I think that’s unforgivable.  There is no circumstance where putting your foot on someone prone is cool.  It is foul as all get out.  I dont’ care if Timberlake got up clapping or not.
That ain’t bias.  Let Dean Smith or anybody else come up to me and put his foot on me.  You’ll see just how vile I think it is.

19 thoughts on “New piece, music, and Duke”

  1. Although she’s been hyped into oblivion, the Amy Winehouse album is incredible. The new Stephen Marley joint, “Mind Control” is also chock full of gems, (minus the prototypical “for the ladies” song).

  2. Bo – It’s not that the music is bad, the radio/label conglomeration has forgotten how to market new music or help their artists sell records. The music is there, but you won’t hear it on commercial radio in most cities.
    Steph – Cosign on that and Amy being the shit. You happen to be a reader of dp dot com too?

  3. I wonder if I will EVER read ANYTHING insightful about life, sports, culture, etc. from a black man or woman that is free of ANY statements relating to race and the role “the white man?” If I EVER DO, I will share it with the world, white AND black.

  4. One more point I just thought of. If it weren’t for this ‘white supremacist’ way of thinking that you speak of, you’d be out of a job huh Bo?….THIS job at least………now THAT is something to think about. ‘Fun stuff” like YOU say……..

  5. Well, you’re talking to some very biased Duke basketball fans, but even progressive white people who acknowledge privilege want to define white supremacy as lynching and/or whatever biological theories racists are using these days.
    Henry Louis Gates’ PBS special on black progress featured a woman who led a program in which businesspeople mentored poor black kids. All good, right? The problem is that she claimed that she hoped to teach the kids the keys to WHITE success. She said that she wanted to train the blackness out of these kids so that they could prosper. That’s as much a manifestation of white supremacy as anything David Duke (of Hazzard) ever said.

  6. Ashley, darling, unfortunately this is the way the world is, especially when you are a person of color. This is the story of the world today, yesterday and unfortunately in the future. Let me guess, you are part of that “white supremecist” sector, Pissed off because you have been called out.
    Bo, I guess you have to bow down to the man for giving you your job. I guess that means I have to bow down and be eternally greatful as well.

  7. Let me see…a Duke fan named “Ashley”… If anything could ever dispel the notion of white supremacy, it’s that.
    Duke + “Ashley” = overweight baby factory from some rural burg. I’d say you’ve done enough “sharing with the world”.
    And remember Ashley: Just because he’s your Dad doesn’t make it ok to get some stinkfinger in church.

  8. 1. Winehouse is overrated, heavy borrows vocals from Lauryn. But hey, repackage it, white wash it, and a pop sensation is boarn. See e.g. N.E. to N.K.O.T.B.
    2. Come on Bo, you haven’t been the elst bit excited by the Three Stacks Renaissance (International Player, What a Job, You Remix)?
    3. Good work re the white supremacy.

  9. oh ashley…the idea that he as a qualified black man should be ‘grateful’ to the man for giving him a job instead of hiring a white man like he shou- uh, could have…that doesn’t sound at ALL like ‘white supremacy’ or anything….
    hahaha@ kirk- you know you can come up with some off the wall stuff….stinkfinger? 😀
    As for music- Bo, you know it ain’t the same- your perception of whether or not that’s a good thing is subjective and i think is largely generational, but no, it’s not the same.

  10. Random question for Bo relating white supremacy in institutions etc . . .
    Have you read $40 Dollar Slaves by William C. Rhoden?
    If you have, your thoughts? Does that resonate with you?
    E-mail me at instead of if you care to answer.

  11. Just got around to reading this stuff…white supremecy quote WAS out of context…you’re right. I don’t necessarily agree with your take on it but certainly wasn’t a huge anti-Duke statement. As for Laettner’s stomp…you already know where I stand. Big Al is right on…I, too, think you are holding onto the stomp simply ’cause you don’t like Duke. Not just because of how Daddy raised ya. Let it go, Bo. Of course, maybe I should too. D

  12. Loved the article about Eddie Robinson. This is what HBCUs do better than any other college in America. I don’t believe I would be alive today, if Coach Rob hadn’t taken in a young knucklehead from Alexandria, LA and turn him into a reformed thug, and the man who be my role model and daddy. Thanks for the love for the man who speaks volumes about what life should be about.
    As for Duke, would you really want to be in their good graces? If they had said anything good about you at all, Mack Jones would never let you set foot in your family home.

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