14 thoughts on “New Pieces”

  1. I was never fond of OJ the public personality, even before he abused his wives and decapitated 2 people.
    Everyone (himself included) would have been better off had he had the guts to follow through on his suicide attempt.

  2. Because you don’t need a special promo to get adult men out to a baseball stadium. You need their women to be ok with them spending upwards of $100-$150 on beer, food, and merchandise. I’ve spent $500 at Angels Stadium before. I have s hiny, mostly new Orlando Cabrera authentic jersey to show for it too. Plus I had a 3 day “no beer, I just can’t” moratorium.
    As far as the back on track thing, I was only referring to the comment on suicide being gutless…not on the conversation as a whole.

  3. I think it’s awful that you’re not more concerned with finding the real killers. You should be ashamed. Think of how many PI’s could be hired with that money! Faye Resnick’s drug dealer MUST be found!

  4. “Guts to follow through on a suicide attempt?
    I suicide is a gut-less act. The most gut-less act in the world, regardless of who commits it or why.”
    I disagree. The human ego and the fear of the unknown makes suicide a gutsy act for a lot of people; however, you’re right in this case: for OJ, it would have been a cowardly act for him to off himself so he didn’t have to face the music.

  5. I remember when the trial was going on I mentioned to a friend of mine (a woman) that I hoped O.J. was innocent. She took this as me saying I hope he is “found innocent,” even with the mounting evidence of guilt. I explained that what I meant was I hoped he didn’t do it. But if he did, then yes, find him guilty.
    I said that growing up as a kid in the 70s, my friends and I often took the name of a famous football star when playing schoolyard football. So many times, I was O.J. Others were Franco Harris, or Joe Washington, or Earl Cambell, or Tony Dorsett. For whatever reason, I was O.J. And because of that, I hoped my childhood hero didn’t commit the murders.
    However, all she heard, or could understand was, “I hope he’s not found guilty, regardless…” When I mentioned it to another (girl) friend of mine, I got the same reaction…
    As much as a “seemingly” division of race issues as it was, it was also a divide in “gender” issues as well. O.J. was a well-known wife-beater in the female population. And “anything” you said that wasn’t, “he’s guilty,” was a full pledge of support no matter what you said or how you spun it.
    His latest stunt, extremely tactless…

  6. Oh, and to be clear, I’m not saying that women typically over-reacted to the O.J. trial. I’m just saying that with many that I knew, the trial and verdict was a significant women’s issue, that was taken personally.

  7. Interesting thought Rex. I like it. And I can completely understand how it was divided by gender as much as race. Makes sense.
    Thanks, eauhellzgnaw for the agreement. I agree that it would take some sort of guts to delve into the unknown by killing yourself, however, you said exactly what I meant when you said that it would have been a cowardly act not to face the music. That’s what I was getting at. Good stuff.

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