Business…here’s a piece I did for the BSN comparing Ben Roethlisberger’s motorcycle crash with Kellen Winslow’s.
So this job at Dook is whoopin’ my ass somethin vicious. Posting will increase after next week, when I get my life back. In the meantime, two things have happened.
First–get ready, Elon University. Baba will be teaching two economics classes there. Let’s see how long it takes them to get hip to just what they’ve stepped into.
Also–get ready, King Magazine readers. Baba will be their official sports blogger. I’ll let you know the start date, and I’ll have a link on the site as soon as all of that’s ready. Let’s see how long it takes them to get hip to just what they’ve stepped into.
And now, back to grading papers. I’ve learned something in this process–it’s real easy to see why teachers come to hate students.