Props to Duke

Duke wasn’t too happy with Tip, either.  Now, if they get their $70k back, can they get me back my $25?  Oh, and that was the student rate (still applicable to those with student IDs with late expiration dates).
Let’s be real–does Duke strike you as the kind of place that would just sit back while you got over on them?  I’m with ’em on this one.  Get that paper, Duke.
And while you’re at it, bring me mine.

2 thoughts on “Props to Duke”

  1. Sounds like the best acquittal and exoneration that money could buy. Drop some dough to get some strippers to recant and undermine the prosecutor and voila! Strike up the band! All charges dropped and a huge civil suit, to boot. Does this mean that we really buy it all in the age of this Bush Kakistocracy, which has been about nuthin’ but a bunch of lies?

  2. Care to touch on the Warren Commission, Elvis, or Area 51 while you’re at it?
    The again, I see your point. It must be hellaciously expensive to set up a complicated scam where you go through an entire calendar year with rape charges on your head without (apparently) actually raping anyone. Pure, evil genius.

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