Thank Goodness for Prince

SSP…I’ll be in the Bullpen on 850 The Buzz in Durham from 12-1 today.  Check it out if you get the chance.
I’m sure I’ll be talking about yesterday’s underwhelming Super Bowl.  I suppose the rain will affect the quality of a game, but it was pretty blah.
Except for Prince, of course.  The song selection was on point, and he and his band played very well.  Bonus points to the dancers for not bustin’ their asses dancing in heels in the ran, also.  The coolest thing of Prince’s set, by my math, was the decision to use “All Along the Watchtower” as a bridge between songs.  Great move, especially since it gave me that strange feeling of hearing something I like, but not being able to place it immediately.  For some reason, I enjoy sifting through my memory–which just isn’t what it was in college–and figuring that sorta stuff out.  Kinda like guessing samples.
Anyway, great show.  More on it later, maybe, when I have time to watch it a second time.
I must say I was disappointed, though.  I was really looking forward to the possibility of Prince playing an extra five minutes because he doesn’t give a flip about the Super Bowl.  Imagine him ending “Purple Rain” and saying, “y’all ain’t ready for me to leave?  Y’all want one more?”
And then ripping into the 12 minute version of “Computer Blue.”  Only that would have topped his press conference/jam session.
Okay, on the grind I go.  Happy Monday.

7 thoughts on “Thank Goodness for Prince”

  1. OMG!!! how about – i was the ONLY person who recognized “all along the watch tower” where i was. Crazy. But Prince got down yesterday.
    and about the game – the first quarter was really good…
    go bears.

  2. I too recognized All Along the Watchtower, it was awesome. I love Prince. My parents noticed that when prince was behing the screen thing his guitar was in a slightly obscene position and they called me immediately to talk about it. I hadn’t noticed. They are sick.

  3. Prince was the highlight of the superbowl for me. I was watching the game at a huge superbowl party. When prince was behind the screen with that symbol guitar the room fell silent and about two seconds later some guy screamed out “THAT’S BRILLIANT!!!” The whole party erupted in laughter and happiness. Only Prince man…only Prince.

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