The Wire–Episode 57

The reviews on Episode 8 are bananas. I’m going to watch it soon. Believe you me.
1. Silly, silly police. In Season 4, Simon went away from pointing out the inefficiency of the police department in truly comic terms. Not as much emphasis on the fuzz, so I understood. But man, having McNulty mimic the serial killer with only a wall separating him and the tap just lets you know how easy it is to pull something off when there’s no good reason to suspect anything.
2. Wonder if white people are offended. I swear, the white editors at The Sun seem like they were written by black comedians. They don’t even seem real. But I do have stories…
3. Told you what Clay was gonna do. He got African as he could, didn’t he? That said–this was a moment when The Wire seemed too much like a TV show. Then again, Clay Davis is realistic. And that is something a cat like that would do. Seriously–Clay Davis put himself out there like he’s Robin Hood. You ain’t Omar, fool.
4. Other funny. The high-profile lawyer would be the lightest skinnedest cat. With a pony tail.
5. The crooked reporter’s gotta go down. Right? I’m not sure either him or Marlo will fall, even though the cosmos should dictate these occurences be law.
6. ‘Splain this to me. How is Omar hobbling around this piece and never accidentally being stumbled upon? Guess the same way he does it with two good legs. Extra gangsta points to Omar for flushing four keys.
7. I hate Carcetti. Clown.
8. Another moment in great parallelism. The cop meeting juxtaposed against the newsroom meeting. All of them investigating something that doesn’t exist. Interesting thing about Templeton–he could have been a hero for finding out this killer doesn’t exist. He’s smart enough to pull that off. But he messed up.
9. Mike works Bodie’s patient. It makes me sad when I realize that.
10. How is Michael going to fold? So many ways out there now to get him out the game. How will he do it? Would he sell Chris out? Marlo wouldn’t go down for that one. Just Chris. And Michael has to know that.
11. Landsman fascinates me. He protects the institution so vigorously in the name of self-preservation, but he doesn’t have enough power to actually be evil. Just a foot soldier, and a good one. But he seemed legitimately happy the money was coming down again. Interesting dude.
12. You don’t get furniture from IKEA for your kids. Not unless you have to. You love them, right?
13. Know what we don’t say enough about Dukie? He is Wallace, except Wallace was more cut out for the game. The similarities are obvious. That doesn’t bode well for him.
14. I preferred Bubbles when he was strung out. There, I said it.
15. Donnell Rawlings has done a great job. OK, Ashy Larry. But he’s managed to offer humor without trying to be a funny man. Not the easiest thing to do. “Y’all can play it how it feels.”
16. The clocks. Any ideas?
17. Poor Sevino. Though, I gotta say Omar had a point. I wonder how th dude that plays Sevino felt when he got the phone call. “Hey, you haven’t been on the show in six years, but we were wondering if you wouldn’t mind coming down and having your brains blown out by Omar. Just a couple hours of your time.”
18. The kid that plays Michael is incredible. You notice how he never stop selling his anxiety around men? Even before we knew that’s what it was, he sold it. Great work.
19. New classic line. From bad lil’ Kennard about Omar. “Gimpy than a mu’fucka.” No idea why that’s so funny.
20. They gotta give us more Clay, right? I mean, he can’t just disappear after his victory. I gotta know!

11 thoughts on “The Wire–Episode 57”

  1. great recap as usual, 2 things:
    1. Can’t the DA give Clay Davis to the Feds still with the “headshot”? maybe some quid pro quo action
    2. Great line in the news room, something to the effect of “Why do I feel extremely white right now?”

  2. You know who comes out of this smellin like a rose?
    The young black reporter.
    Garcetti reminds me so much of the Clintons it scares me.
    Clay Davis needs a prequel.
    5 years on Black Politics at the local level.
    Yeah I know…but I can dream.
    The last scene with Kima and the Kid….thats wonderful television.

  3. A view from Bmore.
    Talk about Irony? Some of you don’t know how funny that episode was to me.
    Clay Davis’ attorney was none other than native son Former Judge/Attorney William H ‘Billy’ Murphy Jr. Acting as his second chair on the show was his son Billy Murphy III. Now both Father & Son have quite a checkered past with the law. Billy senior has been picked up -never arrested- numerous times for alleged spousal abuse. Billy 3 was picked up for alleged possession of weed, dui and other little diddies.
    McNulty is the consummate sulker. He’s never satisfied. When the bosses weren’t paying attention he was pissed. Now they are giving him everything he wanted and he’s till pissed. Somehow I think he’ll escape this predicament.
    Omar needs to go over to Bon Secours or University of Maryland and get that ankle set with a walking boot.
    I liked the juxtaposition of how the black reporter worked the same homeless angle but was far more successful at getting people to talk to him (thanks to Bubbles). Isn’t it funny how the black editor recognizes the real reporters in the news room and the bosses only recognize the bullchitters.
    The Clocks????
    No idea.
    Sevino caught a bad one. It be like that in the streets though yo (real Bmore slang).
    Mike may be in too deep to get out now.

  4. great work again, bomani.
    1. The trial was one of the only times that was totally predictable. Once Bond said that he was gonna try the case himself instead of going federal, it was clear that he would lose disastrously.
    2. Also, the trial seemed a little unrealistic. No trial atty worth his weight in salt (Bond or Perlman) would ahave allowed Davis to go on the monologues that he did. He was never asked a question. For that to happen without objections for narratives was malpractice.
    3. The usually sharp minded Omar failed to recognize Mike from the shootout at Monk’s place. I know, I know, Mike turned his back to Omar and all. But still.
    4. Shout out ot Sydnor. a good dude.
    5. Jake, good look on the info on Clay’s attorney. To me, he seemed like an homage to B More/DC’s own Billy Martin, of Mike Vick, Larry Craig and Blade Snipes fame.

  5. Huh? What does No. 9 mean?
    I missed this the first time I watched this – did you peep that Bunk was reviewing the dead man’s file and there was paperwork on there with Mike’s name on it and the verdict was “inconclusive.” I wondered how he was able to discern that the man had abused Mike in some way.
    McNulty thinks that this story won’t hurt anyone but it does – the family of one of the “victims” who now think their loved one was sexually abused/bitten. . That’s got to haunt everyone once this comes out/if this comes out.
    Did you notice that Clay mispronounced “Prometheus Bound” and the name of the author? I laughed. . . but he is one slick character and his acting was superb. I don’t know if you noticed how after he spoke with the media he turned his head and looked extremely scared and worried. The character that Clay plays has a commonality with so many of the other character.. . . so many of the characters wear two masks, or have two distinct personalities. Think about McNulty. Bubbles and Omar. Remember how Clay duped Stringer into making those investments?
    If you’re a Law & Order SVU or “Homicide” fan, then you peeped Munch at the end of the bar. He starred on “Homicide” with Gus, whose then character was named Meldrick. Ingenious cameo. David Simon wrote the show “Homicide” too. An excellent show.

  6. All I can say is THIS SEASON IS RUSHED.
    Truncating the series to 10 episodes is just plain wrong.
    Episodes 8-10 will be a whirlwind of the writers trying to tie up loose threads… or will they.
    McNutty’s downfall
    Mike’s rise
    Dukie’s escape
    Marlo’s comeuppance
    Cheese’s downfall
    Bug’s future
    Kima’s family life
    Freamon’s future
    Bunk’s 22 murder case
    Rawl’s sexuality
    Bubs’ sobriety
    Gus’ halo
    Courthouse leak
    Nerese’s fine ass… I mean… her political future
    Carcetti’s brylcream. 🙂
    Slim Charles’ rise
    Cutty’s gym
    The Clay Davis Continuum
    Ashy Larry’s snitching
    Carver’s leadership
    Colicchio’s anger management
    Bond’s mediocrity (don’t miss the Chris Darden reference in him)
    Daniels’ dirty(?) dough
    Omar makes the statue of liberty disappear
    Snoop’s denoument
    Chris’s family fortunes
    Vondas & The Greek (no changes expected here because we all know that white criminals are so much smarter than Black ones and they rarely meet the fate they’ve served so many. Right?)
    Randy’s hard edge
    Templeton’s fakery
    Seriously… all those and more are still relatively loose. Some will be wrapped up, others won’t.
    Which ones? And will the last 3 episodes even be watchable for those of us who’ve been with the show since the beginning?
    Oh yeah… what about Officer Walker? He needs to make an appearance. 🙂

  7. Hey dc: excellent point on the monologue. I think the DA-Bond was supposed to lose given the reference Carcetti made about his potential run at the Mayor’s office with a win.
    Ladybug: not saying for certain but that No.9 was probably police code for molestation investigation.
    They had quite a few Homicide folks in the bar for that scene including the daywatch sargeant. But what actor hasn’t been in an episode of Law & Order…I mean even Ice T’s plastic wife Coco has made an appearance with her non-acting inflatable self.
    I hollared when Clay messed up. But wait the book looked brand spankin new like it had only been flipped through instead of the intense reading Clay indicated he had done on it.
    Hey Adisa: I’m going to need you to put down the remote. You have put way too much on me. Rawl’s sexuality oh man that’s a powder keg. Not to mention Nerese & her fine brown frame has to come back into play after Davis indicated how dirty she was. She might be kin or childhood friends with somebody in the game. Bmore is too small.
    This season needs a few bonus episodes that go for 2 hours instead of one. We already know Marlo’s going down and the stories of Omar/Chris/Snoop and Mike have to be settled. McNulty is already doused in lighter fluid and waiting for the match.
    Bomani man you watched episode 8 already. You broke the code.

  8. Jake, you’ll have to pry the remote from my cold dead hands. 🙂
    –On Another Note–
    One thought just occurred to me…
    We haven’t seen Marlo respond to Omar’s mindgame which is an odd omission for the way this show runs. What if the word hasn’t reached him? What if Snoop / Chris / Monk, etc. are filtering the message and preventing Marlo from hearing it?
    I’m not sure why they’d do that, but it would be an interesting indicator of how they perceive him and, more importantly, the type of leader they want him to be.
    There have been a few indications that Marlo is #1 in name only.
    – Remember back before the infamous poker game… Marlo wanted money from the bank and he appeared to need some degree of approval from Chris.
    – Marlo asks Chris: “Do it feel like a crown on yo’ head?” Why would the first in command wish a crown for his second?
    – Chris says to Marlo: “You stepped up and made your play, now I gotta make mine”. Sounds like a partnership.
    – After Marlo says that Chris’s “business trip” ‘shouldn’t be more than two weeks’, Chris responds “Betta not”. ‘Better not’. Not ‘I sho do hope you right, boss’, or anything to indicate subservience. Just a straight up “betta not.”
    I think there’s still some story to be told about Marlo’s leadership and Chris’ deeper role in the operations of the enterprise.
    Add that loose thread to my list of loose threads, above. 🙂

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