Titles are becoming difficult to come up with…

Business…the last column entry was on the potential Fugees reunion. If you’ve having trouble keeping up with the column, check the last post (which did not have a notification, so those on the list may have missed it).
Saturday’s a national holiday…at least in the nation that is Texas. And as a reluctant but indoctrinated naturalized citizen of the Lone Star, there’s no place I’ll be on Saturday that doesn’t have a television showing Texas/Oklahoma.
Lucky I love my mama…otherwise, this game would break up my family.

Long of the short on that…
My mother is from Oklahoma City, but her parents are both Texans. Though born in Atlanta, I grew up in Houston. Many native Oklahomans are tired of hearing how everything is better in Texas, in spite of the irrefutable truth in that statement. So, it’s safe to say Mama’s nto much of a fan of my Longhorns. It’s nothing excessive or remotely passionate, but she is an alum of OU.
Though I did not attend UT–and have only stepped foot on its campus twice–I live and die for Longhorn football. The OU-UT game gets me amped up like no other.
That up ampedness makes it even worse when the Sooners beat my ‘Horns by about eighty. Every year, I say we’re gonna turn it around. This year, I really mean it, for the following reasons.
1. UT finally plays tough. I realize we had teh best set of receivers in America last season, but our fat boys got blown off the line last year–and every year since Ricky Williams left Austin. Well, the game done changed, jack. Since our best receiver is Tony Jeffery (which is like saying that the best singer in the house is Michael Bivins), we run like it’s 1969, except there are Negroes on the team now. You can’t beat Oklahoma in the air. You have to establish the line of scrimmage and have a fast quarterback.
Speaking of which…
2. Vince, Vince, Vince. Young, that is. He’s big, fast, and strong. Last year, he ran for more than a hundred yards during the mollywopping. This year, he seems to be better able to throw the ball, even if he’s still a tad lacking. But, if you saw what Ell Roberson did to OU last year in the Tweezy championship, you know why I find Young’s presence encouraging.
3. The most important men in orange have big motivation to win. Cedric Benson has to downplay his statements about wanting the Heisman more than wanting to beat Oklahoma. If he does the latter, he’s in the driver’s seat for the former. Mack Brown would love to keep his job.
4. God don’t like ugly. And five losses in a row is ugly. As is “Boomer Sooner.”
The time is now, shawty. Plus, I lose a bottle of Jack Daniel’s every year over this game. I’m tryin to get lit, jack.
Thanks to Karl Eklund for the following excerpt from an e-mail he sent me about (with clenched teeth) Aaron McGruder. Either way, these are great points–both the one made by Aaron and Karl’s follow-up. Check what’s in the quotes.
“Last night’s debate was more entertaining than I expected, but left me a bit bothered. I didn’t realize what it was until I heard Aaron
McGruder talking with Aaron Brown. When asked what comment he might
make McGruder said what bothered him was that George Bush was stupid, and nobody said anything about it. Then I realized that that was precisely whay was bothering me. It wasn’t that Bush was stupid–that was obvious. It was the way everybody in the media tiptoed around to avoid saying anything about it.
Brown was embarassed and looked around as if to check whether there was anyone of the bosses around, then said something about maybe Bush was really smart but just inarticulate. McGruder tried that on for a second and said that Bush wasn’t just inarticulate, he was stupid.
And he’s right. Inarticulate people can hold ideas, but just can’t
express them very well. They have trouble with the words. But when Bush was able to read from his crib notes he was quite articulate. It was just when he had to cobble up an answer to something that was different from the question he prepared for that he paused and stumbled.”
Things that make you go “hmmm…” (paging Arsenio Hall)
Sent out invites to the Bomaniland Grand Opening. The list has about 200 people on it. About a handful of them live local. That made me realize one thing…
I need to make more friends.
I wish I was joking. The “no” responses on the Evite keep pouring in, but only one was from someone local. You don’t get offended by people not willing to hit the road (especially since you really ain’t want all of them to make the trip), but you do look inward when you don’t know enough people local that you don’t work with.
But, at least there should be double digits at the joint, so it’s all love. But still, where the amigos at? If you’ve got some to spare, send ’em my way.
But, on another note, people are actually offering to bring gifts. That makes me feel extra bad for never bringing any brew when I come to people’s houses.
Playlist time…
Alicia Keys – Diary. And thanks to you, Alicia, for being kind enough to release all the cuts off your album I like to radio stations. That way, I don’t feel compelled to buy this album.
Stevie Wonder – I Love (Every Little Thing About You). Slept on.
Main Source – Live at the Barbecue
Lou Reed – I Wanna Be Black. Only good if you get the joke, though.
Digital Underground – Freaks of the Industry
OutKast – Phobia
Tracy Chapman – Sorry
U2 – Sunday Bloody Sunday
Beatles – I Want You (She’s So Heavy)
Temptations – Ball of Confusion
Long gone. Peep the BSN on Monday for a new joint on Michael Vick.

1 thought on “Titles are becoming difficult to come up with…”

  1. Temporary Houstonian

    I’ve never left a comment on your blog, and I’ll probably never be so passionately moved to do so again, but you know I couldn’t pass up a chance to SPIT on your Longhorn pride… Forever live the REAL UT, the REAL orange and white, and the REAL football fanatacism of UTK!!! And you KNOW I’ll be checkin in for MY double or nothing bet! -PS: I just got the Luda reference in the header…oh how I miss the misogyny of the ATL music scene.

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