Generally, men are pretty hands off with weddings.  In fact, most men are advised to be hands off with weddings, so as how to avoid drawing back just a nub.
But no matter how he’s wired, at some point, a man has to stand up and say “you must be crazy.”  Sometimes, he’s got to look at his lady and say, “no way in the world, baby.”
Contained within this link is one of those times.  Scroll down and view the madness.
When I was a kid, there was one cardinal sin in male-female interactions–never do you dare embarrass a man in front of his friends.  Somehow, that’s worse than embarrassing a man in public.  Not that public embarrassment is cool, but there’s no way to say “you embarrassed me in front of my friends” without it coming out “how you gon’ embarrass me in front my friends?”
Well…if that cake don’t count as embarrassing you in front of your friends, your mama–hell, maybe even your boss–I don’t know what does.