Your opinion is needed

I’m one of those people that sees the value of comfortable shoes.  Feet are the most underappreciated things out there, when you think about it.  Well, feet and latex.  Nobody likes to talk about either in public, but where would you be without them?  Probably the ground, in two different manners of speaking.
That said — how much of a doofus would I look like in these?  They’re really economical, too, based on my golf shoe research.

19 thoughts on “Your opinion is needed”

  1. The degree of your appearance of dooficity would depend on the company you were keeping. Out here in NorCal, certain populations LIVE in those things and think they are the greatest invention ever. That said, if you were rolling with coworkers from grad school, you’d probably look alright.
    Now, if you tried to wear these back home, you would most certainly look like Chief Doofus.

  2. I am torn with this one. I hate crocs, and I believe we have had a discussion about not letting one’s offspring wear these atrocious shoes. On the other hand, after walking for miles each day over here in shoes that are comfortable, I don’t even want to think about how much more my feet would ache if I had on the cute high-heeled shoes some of these Italian women wear. All that said, can’t you find SOMTHIN’ a little more stylish?

  3. Brew City Drew

    Get some grown up golf shoes.
    I had a pair of Footjoy Sierra Treks. Mad comfortable. (if they sill make ’em)
    I just bought last year’s Callaway CG Sport model. Very comfy, also.

  4. DaveyWayne is spot on. Crocs on kids? Cute. Crocs on grown folks? Questionable. Crocs on the course? C’mon now.
    Dick’s has FootJoys on sale for the same price–and even if they go off sale, the $20 price premium is worth the piece of mind to know that you look good, rather than thinking folks might be snickering.

  5. Bomani!!!
    Did you slip and bump your head??? Those shoes are a joke as you would also be if you wear them outside of your castle.
    On second that I know you are 6’4″…you should not even wear those around the house. Dude…they’re just WRONG and would necessitate an intervention!!

  6. You’d look like a huge doofus. The most comfortable shoes period are eccos. Then probably mephistos. I’m a bit of a shoe head, and once I bought my first pair I have trouble wearing anything else. As for golf shoes… jesus man you can’t be serious with those things? I like the pair adidas I have, but I used to havea pair of tommy bahama that were exceptionally comfortable.

  7. also you got a new writing gig? I always enjoyed your stuff. I like that you spin a bit of humor into serious discussions without making it a humor piece (ala the dudes at the big lead deadspin etc.), and deal with anger and marginalization of black people in a way that isn’t so vitriolic (ala nation of islam sports blog). So anywhere you’re at let me know,a nd I’ll be reading.

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