Check this here. The mayor of Los Alamitos, CA sent the following photo out via e-mail.

So, of course, I have two questions….
1. When you’re forwarding an e-mail of questionable taste — and we’ve all done it — you typically ask yourself, “will (insert person here) be offended?”  In this case, the unabridged version would be “will Keyanus be offended?
Just read that over again.  “Will Keyanus be offended?” You don’t even have to play it safe to know the answer to that is “no. You can play it 70-in-a-45-with-no-seat-belt, and you STILL go farther down the list and ask yourself, “what about Key-Key…will she be offended?” Then you keep going, get to “Kimmie” and send away.
Sending the e-mail is one thing. Sending it to KEYANUS? Well, let’s just say you don’t want to be in the mayor’s phone book. This is the fool that pocket dials his ex from the delivery room.
2. So I keep looking at that picture…and it just makes me look forward to summer. I love watermelon. You do, too. Everybody does. Hell, if there really was a watermelon patch in the front lawn of the White House, you’d see a lot more decent people trying to get into politics.
Why? Because decent people like watermelon. Dag, I sure could go for some right now.
Yes, I said it. I said this, too. And I’ll say it again. And if I roll up with some watermelon, spittin’ seeds and juice dripping down my cheeks, you know what you’ll be?
Jealous, that’s what.