Well, it’s Thursday.  My Saturday.  Spent most of it hanging with the fiancee, but I eventually had to get out of here to go eat.  Decided to get some BBQ, but I wanted to get some Turtles on the way.
The gas station on the way to the barbecue joint I hit for lunch didn’t have Turtles, so I went to the one down the road.  That’s the one I don’t go to at night because there’s a chain link fence to one side of it that’s never locked, and once some dude scared the shit out of me popping up from back there, with a hood over his head, asking if I wanted to buy some DVDs.
But I went in today because, as anyone that knows me would tell you, I love Turtles.  Got there and realized that they didn’t sell Turtles.  Super disappointing, man.  I was really looking forward to those Turtles.
Got some gum instead.  Got in line, and I was behind someone buying a loosie.  Now, that should tell you I’m in the hood now.  Loosies, baby.
So he gets the loosies on top of something else, and I notice something on the cash register–it rang up $0.35 and “NPRTS.”
It hit me.  These dudes have a button on the cash register for loosies.  Couldn’t make that up if I tried.