So I was at the Jamaican joint picking up a couple of patties and some coco bread.  Pineapple soda, too.  Gotta have the pineapple soda.
Anyway, I’m just minding my own business when I see a kid, probably about six years old, wearing some of those shoes with the wheel on the bottom.  It’s enough when kids are figuratively hell on wheels, but why do something to add to the realism of an idiom?  When they say something stupid, are you going to literally put their feet in their mouths?
Anyway, kid’s cruising.  Got up some speend and glided toward the cash register.  I’m not exactly sure what happened next, but I know it ended with that little girl taking a quick tumble to the turf.  I mean went straight to the ground like someone rolled a ball against the wall or something.
And let me say this now, because I know what many of you are thinking but are conflicted about saying out loud–it was the funniest thing I’ve seen this week.
I mean, she wasn’t really hurt.  Just took a lick.  But man, you had to see the aerodynamics of the fall.  Classic material.
I wrote this post to say this and this only–falling down is always funny, short of really serious injury.  But if you don’t have to go under the knife for it, I’m gonna laugh.
Will you?